Our body is a beautiful orchestra composed of many cells, tissues, and organs. When each part of the body is "in tune", the body is harmonious and healthy. It exudes energy, vibrancy and vitality. But if one component is "out of tune", the entire body suffers, just as one faulty instrument could ruin an entire symphony.
The L.I.F.E System is a biofeedback device that enables an in-depth exchange of information between body and mind. Frequencies are emitted into the body to recognize and record subtle informational stress potentials and identify what parts of the body needs to be "tuned".
Once the computer evaluates such responses, it immediately feeds the information back to the body to assist the body’s self-corrective natural defense mechanisms by encouraging relaxation, balance and harmony.
Due to the L.I.F.E System's ability to stimulate the body's natural self-healing abilities, biofeedback therapy can help with the following conditions: